Spring is in the air, so get ready for another awesome HC CAREER FAIR!

Spring is in the air, which means it is time to get ready for another jam packed  HC CAREER FAIR!

This year the Career Planning Center has put together an amazing fair full of FORTY-SEVEN organizations ready to meet and greet with Holy Cross students …Yes that means YOU! SAVE THE DATE because WEDNESDAY APRIL 2nd is right around the corner, so why not take some time to find out if  you are ready?

Career fairs are a phenomenal opportunity to:
− Network with multiple organizations in a single visit.
− Demonstrate your communication & interpersonal skills.

Lets go over some helpful tips for coming prepared to a campus career fair!

1. Do your homework!

               Before the fair, you can review the online directory of employers and their job opportunities by clicking HERESpend a little time getting some background on an organization so you can ask very focused and specific questions. This will impress representatives because it shows you have a genuine interest in their organization.

2. Bring Your Resume!

              Recruiters meet with a lot of people and try as they might they cant remember them all. Once again, it’s time to dust off your resume and make sure it is in tip top condition. Make sure it is current and that it sends a clear, concise picture of who you are and what you have to offer. Bring your resume to leave with each employer to ensure that they remember you! If you need help, stop by the Career Planning Center for a same-day Drop-In Session which occurs M-F from 1:00-4:00pm.

3. Practice Marketing Yourself!

              Practice, practice, practice. Get together with a friend and practice answering basic interview questions. You should be prepared if someone asks you something like “Tell me about yourself,” or “What kind of position are you looking for?” This is why tip #1 is important because you can develop a list of questions you want to ask each organization. One of the best ways to look prepared and professional is showing up with thoughtful, intelligent questions!

4. Dress the part!

First impressions are important.When you go to the career fair on Wednesday April 2nd, you will not see people walking around in jeans and t-shirts and you don’t want to be the one person who does. A career fair is your chance to make a good first impression with a potential new employer so make sure you look well groomed, and carry your materials in a professional folder or portfolio.

5. Be confident & never leave empty handed!

             A career fair is no place to be shy and timid. The best way to make a lasting impression is by being assertive. Approach the companies that interest you, make eye contact and introduce yourself with a firm handshake. Take the initiative and tell them about yourself and why you are interested in their company. Tie in what you know about their company from your research to the type of job you are seeking. Whatever you do, don’t leave a company booth without getting a business card and company brochure. This might be the only opportunity you have to meet with the recruiter face to face and you will want his or her contact information later.

With these quick tips you’ll be sure to land a connection with a company of interest! One last thing to keep in mind is the Follow up! After the fair is over, remember to thank whoever you spoke with for taking the time to speak with you, reiterate your strengths, and let them know that you’re interested and would like to follow up in the near future.


OK now go out there, follow these tips and score big! 

The Dangers of Social Media: Ways to Use and not Abuse your favorite websites!

You’ve probably heard of “social media” right? Its a buzz word that has been going around for years now after popular sites like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and more have surfaced as avenues for people to express who they are and how they feel to others around the world. The odds are so great that I’m willing to wager that both you and I have used a social media site today or will use one within minutes of reading this!

And if we use them…GUESS WHAT?! SO DO EMPLOYERS!

“A survey commissioned by the online employment website CareerBuilder has found that 37 percent of hiring managers use social networking sites to research job applicants, with over 65 percent of that group using Facebook as their primary resource.” -huffingtonpost.com

The same survey also showed that, “only 15 percent of companies had policies in place that explicitly prohibited human resources department from using the sites as a hiring resource.”

Bottom Line:  Whether you like it or not, companies are using social networks to screen job applicants. The hirers usually use these sites in order to get a more personal view of a candidate, rather than the resume-like view they will see on LinkedIn. This means that it is important to carefully manage your image on these types of sites. Lets take a second to make sure you’re using these sites appropriately and not HURTING your chances of nailing that dream job or internship!

2 Things you want to remain aware of while using the internet in a social way…

     Remember that what you put online can be saved, traced and used against you. You should stay clear of posting the party photos from St. Patty’s weekend online if you care about a potential employer seeing them. At the very least you should be aware of your privacy settings and what you’re allowing people to access from your accounts.
  2.  Facebook & Twitter can ruin you!

    Though there are many sites online nowadays,..these are the most popular and by contrast the most dangerous! No one is trying to strip these popular social media sites of their valor, but proceed with caution. Regularly check your privacy settings and THINK before you post. On the CareerBuilder survey it was reported that 76% of employers use both of these sites to consider a candidate. Take home message: BE SMART!


Hirers are looking at the social networking profiles of candidates. This means that YOU, the  job seeker, need to have your online act in order before you begin looking for a job.

P.S: Take a look at this really easy and cool breakdown of the CareerBuilder survey results

Still interested? Check out this cool blog featured on Forbes’ website on ways to use social media to land a job. –> CLICK HERE

Spring up and Finish strong!

Gearing up for the last run of the semester. Its March and the weather (contrary to the mini blizzard we received this morning) is turning around! So why not take the time to do some turning around of your own and make sure your’e not stuck in the winter rut? With spring around the corner, it’s a good time to do some cleaning up and reevaluating where you want to be in your career endeavors moving forward. 

Here are some quick tips to keep you ahead:

  • Research: Whether you are applying for an internship or full-time position, researching companies before you apply is essential. Many corporate websites feature a “Career” section, so take a look at what kind of positions are available and what qualifications they require. Also, check out our very own Crusader Connections to see what positions are available to you. (We post A LOT of jobs/internships for you!)
  • It’s March, Rip the RunwayNo we don’t mean the actual runway…there’s no Tyra Banks here … rather, invest in some staple business outfits so you are ready to roll for upcoming interviews or networking events. Remember that the “What not to wear ghost from our October blog post still has its eye on you, so check back to see what appropriate clothing you should have at your disposal. You want to be all set once those call backs start coming in!
  • Seniors –APPLY APPLY APPLY! Those words may have left a bad taste in your mouth that even a tasty margarita could not fix, but if you haven’t already, it’s time to start applying. As employers identify their hiring needs they will start to post opportunities! So, keep searching and sending out your resumes & cover letters! P.S. Drop in the Career Planning Center for any career-friendly advice.
  • Internship Seekers: THE TIME IS NOW! Many employers set their deadlines in March. Continue checking internship postings on the Career Center’s website. Schedule an appointment to get started or just to chat!
    • Reach out directly to companies you would like to intern for.
    • Focus on looking for smaller, more local internships.
  • Polish & PlanOne can never proofread their resume too many times. At the very least, you want to make sure to spice up your portfolio during the break. There is never a dull time to have someone else look over and help you polish up your resume/elevator pitch/interview skills. EVEN then you and a friend can exchange ideas for ways to tackle certain interview questions. Take a look at Career Builder’s challenging interview questions –>Top Interview Questions