Maximize your Fall Break

FALL BREAK is finally upon us! While we would never dream of undermining the importance of sleeping, watching re-runs of Law & Order SVU and mulling over this year’s Halloween costume options, we know Fall Break also provides the opportunity to maximize your internship & career search. Here are some quick tips for you to tackle over break:

  • Research: Whether you are applying for an internship or full-time position, researching companies before you apply is essential. Many corporate websites feature a “Career” section, so take a look at what kind of positions are available and what qualifications they require. Also, check out our very own Crusader Connections to see what positions are available to you. (We post A LOT of jobs/internships for you!)
  • It’s October, Buy a Costume: No we don’t mean for Halloween…yet… Rather, invest in some staple business outfits so you are ready to roll for upcoming interviews or networking events.
  • Seniors –Apply! Those words may have left a bad taste in your mouth that even apple cider can’t fix, but it’s finally time to start applying. Many employers (especially in finance or other companies with training programs) set their deadlines in early October! So keep searching and sending out your resumes & cover letters! P.S. You’ve got this.
  • Polish: One can never proofread their resume too many times. Bonus: If you’ve had prior professional experience, develop a portfolio of work you’ve done to bring to interviews.

…..Alright, break open the bag of Candy Corn. You deserve it.