Saving your career, one resume at a time.
Although you might walk by the Career Planning Center every day on your way to class or Cool Beans, do you really know “What’s in Hogan 203?” Throughout this semester, the Holy Cross Career Planning blog will feature a What’s in Hogan 203 post where you can learn more about the inner workings of your on-campus career resource center.
To kick off the series, we’re going to officially introduce (or re-introduce) you to our fabulous Career counselors. As your key career resources on campus, these are the people you want to know!
I have been assisting Holy Cross students identify their career interests and objectives and secure jobs and internships for over 15 years. I am proud to say, I have held nearly every job in Career Planning: from career counseling, to employer relations to SIP. Today, I work primarily with the Career Planning and SIP staff to make sure we are providing YOU everything we can to assist you identify and clarify your career interests and objectives and then secure internships and full time employment. My strongest advice is to connect with Career Planning early in your time at Holy Cross and have a conversation about your interests, abilities and values. We can help you see the connections between those and the world of work – connections you may never have thought possible! My second piece of advice: It is never too late to connect with Career Planning! Stop on by Hogan 203 today!
My name is Maura Hume, HC Class of 2007, and I’m the Associate Director of Employer Relations. I run the Employer Relations program, which comprises on-campus recruiting, full-time job postings and all non-SIP internships. I work very closely with employers and alumni looking to recruit HC students, as well as Seniors looking to prepare for their life after HC. I love to be outside- hiking, skiing, whatever and this summer I adopted a new spaniel puppy named Lilly, who now completely dictates my life. If you have career questions, want to see puppy pictures or are curious to study a map of Everest, then stop by the office!
I am starting my 11th academic year with the Summer Internship Program at Holy Cross. My passions are helping students make connections between their academic pursuits and the world of work, and connecting students with Holy Cross alumni. Although not a graduate of Holy Cross, I have been known to bleed purple!
As Associate Director of the Summer Internship Program, I enjoy spending every waking minute with SIP students (ok, maybe just all the minutes during the work week). My background in Human Resources and Recruiting enables me to help students market their skills to potential employers. Whether working on resumes, cover letters, interview skills or networking strategies, I see every appointment as an opportunity to help students recognize and articulate just how much they have to offer.
I am the Assistant Director/Career Counseling working with students in all phases of the career development process. Through one-one-one meetings and workshops, I help students identify choice of major and career paths. In addition, I prepare students for professional opportunities by connecting them with resources for internship/job searching and networking. Also, I oversee the Sophomore Career Advising program and acts as liaison to young alumni.
As the Assistant Director of Programming and Resources in the HC Career Planning Center, I serve as the program manager for the Alumni Job Shadowing Program, organize career related programs and career panels, and assist in evaluating online resources. I served as a State Department Intern in 2010 and work extensively to help students who are interested in working for the federal government. I am a huge sports fan whose favorite teams include Arsenal FC, San Francisco 49ers, Chicago Bulls, and Atlanta Braves.
I am beginning my 6th academic year with Career Planning and the Summer Internship Program (SIP). I work with students of all years including alumni and those admitted into SIP. In addition, I encourage students to discover their true interests, values, and strengths and helps find a fit for these characteristics in the corporate and/or nonprofit arenas. Although I am a graduate of Brown University, I would have been a *very* happy camper at Holy Cross!
To set up an appointment with one of our Career Counselor, stop by Hogan 203 or give us a call at 508-793-3880. There are also Drop-in hours every day from 1-4pm and Virtual Drop-ins Mondays from 7-9pm via Crusader Connections.
Happy Career hunting, Holy Cross!