Meet Alumna Meah Austin ’22, Growth Manager at XOMAD

Name: Meah Austin

Class Year: 2022

Title: Growth Manager

Organization Name: XOMAD


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

 As a Growth Manager in the Strategic Partnerships division of XOMAD, I support building and sustaining our partners in the public and private sectors by promoting how our technology infrastructure and differentiated approach to influencer marketing can be a valuable resource to their communications strategies. 


2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you? 

It all really happened by chance! I was in the running for a Fullbright ETA in South Africa (a program that was unfortunately canceled). While I was anxiously waiting to hear back about the Fulbright, both a Holy Cross dean and alumni reached out to me about another alumni (Rob Perry, CEO) looking to recruit talent from his alma mater (Holy Cross). I had my first interview with Rob and other XOMAD members and immediately felt the synergy! They expressed a certain level of passion and zeal that I instantly connected with. I also realized that joining the XOMAD team presented a huge opportunity for professional growth and development — even though, at the time, I didn’t really see myself in the business world. In retrospect, I also chose XOMAD simply because I felt like I could be myself, which is super important when deciding on any job, but I think especially your first job! 


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus? 

While on campus, I was a member and captain of the Varsity Women’s Track & Field team, mentor of the Odyssey Program, e-board leader of the Black Student Union, co-founder and co-chair of WOCA (Women of Color Athletes), head mentor of the Academic Services Peer Mentor Program, and work-study student for the Audio-Visual Department. Academically, I was a student-researcher for the Psychology/Africana Studies Department and Weiss Summer Research Program. I also participated in various internships and ad-hoc committees. 


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions? 

I double majored in Psychology and Africana Studies. While I am early in my career, I think (so far) these majors have sparked my interest to be in a workplace that is inherently team-orientated and driven to promote social good. For example, XOMAD is currently working to partner with organizations and NGOs to combat the Opioid epidemic through personalized messaging to the most vulnerable communities. This effort is company-wide — all hands on deck! As a Psychology and Africana Studies major, I have grown to recognize the importance of working together towards a common good, and I think my career choice to work at a company like XOMAD perfectly depicts such. 


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work? 

Yikes! Only sharing one or two skills is hard (there are so many I can think of). Off the top of my head, I’d say during my time at Holy Cross, I learned how to be self-sufficient and exemplify grit. At my job, there are often times when I need to develop and communicate strategic directions, plans, and insights with minimal direction. In all my involvement at Holy Cross, I was able to utilize resources (whether it be Writer’s Workshop, office hours, or student/alumni mentors) that eventually allowed me to develop autonomy and an ‘I can do this’ mentality. In my current job, I have the confidence to feel like I can complete any task, even if it might seem daunting. And that the next time a similar task is presented, I can take my learnings from the first time, produce even better results, and support other team members as well. 


6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

Advice I would give current students is to be open to where their liberal arts education and Holy Cross connections can/will take them! It’s very easy to expect or plan for certain things — but in reality, there’s beauty in the unknown. Do everything on your end (study hard, build relationships, be a part of a team/club, think critically and creatively) and let things fall into place… you’ll be right where you need to be. 

Meet Alum Kyle Irvine ’21, Senior Associate Consultant at Hayden Consulting Group

Name: Kyle Irvine

Class Year: 2021

Title: Senior Associate Consultant

Organization Name: Hayden Consulting Group


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

I collaborate with teams to advise & deliver recommendations to pharmaceutical manufacturers on questions related to commercial strategy, product launch, organizational development & design, and patient access & affordability.


2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you?  

My original plan after graduation was to attend graduate school but as a COVID-era graduate, I knew I needed a break from school. A few of my professors and mentors had worked in consulting prior to attending graduate school, so I figured it was a safe option. I began researching and applying and came across my current (and first) employer. Throughout the interview process, I was able to learn more about the kind of work I’d be doing and with whom I’d be doing it.


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus?

I was a four-year member of a number of musical ensembles through the Music Department, Chaplain’s Office, and Student Affairs, was a Tour Guide and Senior Interviewer in the Office of Admission, served as Co-Director of Academic Affairs for SGA, worked in Dinand and for the Economics Department, did research in the Economics Department, was a member of the College Honors and Economics Department Honors programs, and participated in the Spring Break Immersion Program and Dance Marathon.


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

I was a double major in Economics and Music, which allowed me to pursue a wide range of potential careers – it also always sparked a discussion in an interview or networking call!


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

Critical Thinking: Across all of the courses I took at Holy Cross, my classmates and I were always pushed to get to the “so what” on exams and in papers, which has been invaluable in my consulting career as we continue to provide clients with rich insights from our work.


6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

Don’t stress about having it all figured out (easier said than done) – talk to people (friends, upperclass students, professors, alumni) and learn more about what you might be interested in!

Meet Alumna Jenna Barnes ’21, Clinical Research Coordinator

Name: Jenna Barnes

Class Year: 2021

Title: Clinical Research Coordinator

Organization Name: Massachusetts General Hospital – Cardiac Surgery Department


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

I collaborate with cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, and sponsors to coordinate a wide variety of clinical trials at MGH that aim to inform and advance treatment options for patients with advanced heart failure and/or those undergoing cardiac surgery.


2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you? 

My experiences outside the classroom really shaped my desire to pursue a career in medicine, and I knew Mass General Hospital was a renowned academic medical center where I could envision myself in my future career. After speaking with medical students and those applying to medical school about their gap years, I learned of the extensive Clinical Research Coordinator opportunities in various departments at MGH and other nearby hospitals. I was ultimately drawn to my CRC position in Cardiac Surgery because of the opportunity to work on a big team of research coordinators with multiple Principal Investigators on a diverse range of clinical trials in a field and patient population of interest to me.


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus?

I was a four-year member of the Women’s Soccer team. I conducted undergraduate research in Professor Petty’s chemistry research lab, starting out in the Weiss Summer Research Program and continuing throughout the school year. I spent my senior year working as an emergency department scribe at UMass Memorial Medical Center (Memorial Campus) through ScribeAmerica, and I also volunteered at the front desk of the UMass University Campus ED. Through the SPUD program, I volunteered as a weekly classroom assistant at Quinsigamond Elementary, and along with my teammates, I volunteered for Special Olympics, Girls Inc. of Worcester, and HC Dance Marathon.


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

The chemistry major allowed me to explore wet lab research as well as applications in both medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. I was able to apply some of my chemistry knowledge during a summer internship conducting pharmaceutical research aimed towards developing cancer vaccines. After thoroughly enjoying my experiences in more clinical settings down the line, I ultimately decided to prepare to apply for medical school and the chemistry major’s overlap with pre-medical course requirements was very helpful.


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

Holy Cross helped me develop my ability to understand and appreciate different perspectives and backgrounds, particularly when engaging with vulnerable populations or working on a team. This has translated well to my position, where I must collaborate with a large team of providers and researchers with different ideas, as well as respect and be sensitive to the cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds of our patients.


6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

I would advise students to use their time outside of the classroom to the fullest, particularly to engage with diverse communities and form meaningful connections with programs or individuals in and around Worcester. I highly recommend working as a medical scribe – it is a great opportunity to directly observe physician-patient interactions and learn medical processes/terminology. Also, take advantage of our strong alumni network – do not be afraid to reach out to alumni in your desired field for general career advice, shadowing opportunities, etc.

Meet Alumna Rose Weiss ’18, Production Assistant at Fever Up

Name: Rose Weiss

Class Year: 2018

Title: Production Assistant

Organization Name: Fever Up


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

My job entails ensuring productions–anything from immersive theatrical productions to candlelit string quartet concerts–run smoothly.


2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you?

The Crusader Internship Fund allowed me the opportunity to pursue an internship at Al Roker Entertainment, a multimedia production company based in New York City, during the summer before my Junior year. This experience was invaluable not only because I gained production and creative development experience, but also because I met some of my most important
mentors who I collaborate with to this day. Eventually, this internship led me to my first full-time job after graduation working in creative development at a production company in New York City. I learned that I thrive in an environment where I can solve problems creatively, and ultimately, that I want to produce innovative new work in a variety of mediums (theater, film, live streaming
services, etc.). Through it all, I have been fortunate to have the support of the Career Development Center; I had countless meetings, during college and following graduation, that helped me discern my interests and larger goals, then map out the practical steps to get there.


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus?

I was on the Alternate College Theatre E-board and hosted a weekly radio show on WCHC 88.1. Additionally, I acted in the Theatre Department’s productions of Cloud 9 (Edward/Betty), Picnic (Flo), Hamlet (Ophelia), Middletown (Mary), The Royal Family (Julie), and The Skin of Our Teeth


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

I was a Theatre major which, in tandem with my work in production, has led me to pursue my MFA in Devised Performance at the University of the Arts/ Pig Iron School in Philadelphia, PA. I have one year left of the two and a half year program which centers on both devising original theatrical work, and Lecoq pedagogy. As a Theatre major at Holy Cross, I was exposed to all aspects of theatrical performance, design, and technical production, which has directly
correlated to my career path.


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

At Holy Cross, my curiosity was ever-encouraged, which has bolstered my exploration of a variety of professional endeavors. While I ultimately am pursuing a career in the arts, I worked on an IT team for a multimedia architectural consultancy for two years in Boston, MA and Washington, DC. I was able to meet this role in large because the Holy Cross educational
experience is so versatile.

6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

I would say, first, do not be afraid to explore anything and everything you are interested in. Second, approach your professional work with kindness. So many people in the Holy Cross community and beyond have helped me navigate the professional world; I am looking forward to getting to a point in my career where I can become a mentor to others and hopefully pay it

Meet Alum Cal St. Denis ’08, Global Director, Environmental Sustainability MedTech

Name: Cal St. Denis

Class Year: 2008

Title: Global Director, Environmental Sustainability MedTech

Organization Name: Johnson & Johnson


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

I help to set the 2030 J&J MedTech sustainable products and packaging strategy while developing key goals and metrics for organizational alignment, business integration, global customer collaboration and critical executive stakeholder support.



2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you? 

Dr. Michael Hallisey, an Interventional Radiologist at Hartford Hospital, a devoted alum and a good friend, reached out to the 3 Pre-Meds on our ice hockey team to gauge our interest in a summer internship. I politely declined, citing more interest in the business of healthcare versus the clinical side of medicine. He continued to support my journey and went out of his way to introduce me to friends of his in Pharma, Biotech, and MedTech. From there, I began a networking journey throughout senior spring, introducing myself to as many folks as I could and seeking every opportunity to meet new people in the industry. I have always appreciated having a career knowing that my products and the solutions I offer can help patients retore their health and wellbeing.


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus?

I was a 4 year member of the Men’s Ice Hockey team and a Bio-PreMed major. While I have always appreciated the need to give back to the communities that I have lived, my academic and athletic schedule didn’t afford me the opportunity to join any on-campus volunteer programs. So in my sophomore year, I created Crusaders for Kids, a program built around men’s ice hockey and men’s basketball’s busy schedules that worked with Grafton Elementary school inner city students. The kids were identified by the school principal as lacking male role models (due to incarceration or single family households) and our goal was to bring these young men out to watch Crusaders athletic events on campus, have movie nights in Blackstone, or play basketball on the campus courts and just be kids. We knew it was a success when the kids would have contests for who could be the last dropped off in our shuttle vans after the events were over! Upon graduation, the program was recognized by the college and the NCAA in ways I could never have imagined, but the best part of all was that it was adopted by underclassmen and lived on as a legacy for years later. 


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

I was a Bio major with a Pre-Medical concentration. I knew early on that the clinical side of Medicine was not for me but the challenge of Pre-Med intrigued me, so I stayed the course. I always appreciated that people get hurt and need to recover or people get sick and need to heal. So healthcare was always going to be my focus out of undergrad. 


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

Listening with intent. I pride myself on listening to my teams, my customers, my leadership and others around me. It helps me make informed decisions and educates me on what others are feeling and experiencing. 

Emotional intelligence. I went on to study EI further in graduate school and feel strongly that social awareness and bringing the best out of people has profound effects on productivity and camaraderie. Holy Cross helped shape this skill and made me aware of the importance of leveraging it.  


6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

Enjoy. Every. Second. Every midterm, every lab, every experiment, every home game, every final can feel stressful but they prepare you for the curve balls of life. Enjoy them. I truly believe that a Holy Cross education, the rigors of late nights in Dinand and the laughs with friends on Caro Street, helps define who you become as a person, a friend, a parent, a colleague, an alum. When I asked Dr. Hallisey what I could do to thank him for his support back in 2008, he shared with me the most profound advice – “Just do your part when it’s your turn to give back”.

Meet Alumna Maureen Lamb ’07, Dean of Academic Technology and Innovative Pedagogy

Name: Maureen Gassert Lamb

Class Year: 2007

Title: Dean of Academic Technology and Innovative Pedagogy, Latin Teacher

Organization Name: Ethel Walker School


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

I teach Latin and support faculty in their effective use of academic technology and brainstorm ideas for implementing innovative pedagogy.


2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you?

My first employer got my name through Holy Cross connections, and that job opportunity springboarded me to the many jobs I have had since. I appreciate the alumni network that helped support me.


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus?

So many things! I did choir and chamber choir all fours years, cantored at mass, dabbled in theater, ballroom dance, and marching band, refounded the Classics honors society, worked for the Classics department, worked in the writing center, participated in the First Year Program and Honors Program, did a silent retreat, and copy edited for the newspaper. I loved going to the many musical programs and lectures on campus. There was always so much to do!


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

I was a double major in Classics and Music and participated in the Honors and Business program. I wanted to teach Latin and continue performing music. I ended up becoming a high school Latin teacher right after graduation, and I continued playing clarinet in community bands, singing in choirs, and cantoring at masses. I also completed my M.Ed. in Latin, and I teach graduate courses in Latin and Instructional Technology.


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

I learned so much about problem solving from my work as an office assistant for the Classics department. That really helped prepare me both for being a teacher and an instructional coach. I also took four years of music theory as a Music major, which is something I found very challenging, but I’m so glad I found the resilience to keep trying something that I found difficult rather than opt for something easy.


6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

Take advantage of the many connections that Holy Cross has to offer. It has a wonderful and dedicated alumni network that is willing and eager to help Holy Cross grads.

Meet Alum Marc Trigilio ’96, Head, Legal Crop Protection North America

Name:  Marc Trigilio

Class Year: 1996

Title:  Head, Legal Crop Protection North America

Organization Name: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

I lead the Legal department for our US and Canada crop protection business, which requires me to develop and drive legal and business strategy, manage complex litigation and regulatory issues, protect our intellectual property, and enable our business to deliver solutions to help farmers produce food for people in an efficient and sustainable manner.


2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you? 

I certainly never planned on being an attorney.  I was in the pre-med program, so clearly planning out my career was not a strong suit. The unplanned event that had the most impact on my career (and life) was, at the recommendation of several friends, completing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola my senior year. It was during that week of self-reflection and prayer that I made the pivot in my career direction.  It led me to law school (where I met my wife) and to my first employer after Holy Cross.  I feel incredibly blessed because I can always look back at my journal from that week and see the day/time entry when I made that decision.


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus? 

I did a variety of activities at Holy Cross – intramural sports (soccer and football), S.P.U.D. programs with kids at local elementary schools and Catholic churches, and various internships.


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

I was a Psychology major and in the pre-med program at Holy Cross.  I also considered a minor in Spanish, but I decided against it (which was a mistake).  I ultimately chose law for a career and Psychology has been incredibly helpful working in a large, diverse multinational organization.  With so many theories in Psychology about what drives behavior, I learned to always keep an open mind to understanding others’ possible motivations and concerns, even when they differed from mine.  That has allowed me to work with diverse teams and people throughout the business globally and to manage the needs and concerns of the individuals on my team.


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

The Jesuit principle of being men and women for others is something I think of every day – I view my role as helping others and helping my company in the important work of helping to feed the planet.


6. What advice do you have for students on campus today? 

Have fun, work hard, make friends, and be open to new experiences and ideas – you never know what you may end up liking.  Enjoy it all because it passes really quickly.  When you graduate, stay connected – Holy Cross has a tremendous alumni community, we want to help, and we are here for you.

Meet Alum Michael Cole ’16, Community Relations Coordinator

Name: Michael Cole

Class Year: 2016

Job Title: Community Relations Coordinator

Organization Name: Office of Mayor Thomas McGee, City of Lynn


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail? 

As Community Relations Coordinator for Mayor McGee, my job is to manage all questions or concerns residents have and to connect them with the appropriate resources or city department.


2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you?

One event that connected me to my industry and my first employer after graduating from Holy Cross was Working for Worcester. Through Working for Worcester, I established a relationship with Tim Garvin, CEO of the United Way of Central Massachusetts, which led me to my first job after graduation as a Community Relationship Manager at the United Way. I decided it was a good fit for me because I knew the work being done within the non-profit/political sector had a direct impact on people’s lives every day. The entire process of Working for Worcester, from the planning stages to the annual Build Day, provided me with a glimpse into what that would be like to work in an industry that directly impacts it’s community on a daily basis. Working at the United Way allowed me to further see the importance of this kind of work being done every day throughout Worcester. Even though I have moved on from the United Way, I still work in a position with the goal of positively influencing our entire community.


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus? 

On campus I was a Kimball Captain, involved in Working for Worcester as the Director of Site Development and a Site Manager, Study Abroad in La Coruña, Spain, SPUD, Spring Break Immersion, Club Golf, Intramural Basketball and Soccer.


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

I was a double major in Political Science and Spanish. In my current position, I have the unique opportunity to be utilizing both of my majors in my job. Not only do I gain experience working in a mayor’s office from a political science perspective, but the City of Lynn has a large Spanish-speaking population as well. Every day I am speaking Spanish to residents over the phone, in the office, or publishing the Mayor’s social media posts in both English and Spanish.


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

Two of the most important skills I developed at Holy Cross are the ability to multi-task and to analyze large amounts of information on a variety of subjects from multiple angles. These are incredibly vital in being able to effectively communicate the takeaways from my conversations with residents or other colleagues back to either the Mayor or fellow staff.


6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

I would advise today’s students to first and foremost, appreciate all the time you have at Holy Cross, nothing in the real world compares to our Holy Cross experience. Also, it is ok if you are uncertain about exactly what career you want to pursue. I know I, along with many of my friends, walked across the graduation stage unsure of what our futures would hold, but Holy Cross will prepare you to figure things out along the way. Follow your passions, be open to new challenges, embrace different ideas and never stop learning.

Meet Alum Dr. Marco Clark ’89, President at Holy Cross College at Notre Dame

Name: Marco Clark

Class Year: 1989

Title: President

Organization Name: Holy Cross College at Notre Dame


1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

President and CEO in Catholic higher education


2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you?  

With an interest in education, Dean Joe Maguire assisted me to take education classes at other colleges in the Worcester consortium. He also aided me to get an internship in the Auburn and Oxford public school system working with at risk youth in a program called Project JOBS/Project COFFEE. As well, since I played football at Holy Cross, I had an interest in coaching. Between my desire to coach and the work I did with at-risk youth, I was offered a position as a guidance counselor and coach following graduation. It was a great fit for me. One thing I recognized through my interview process is that I would have great mentors to learn from in my early career. After spending the past 34+ years in Catholic education, I often reflect on how it all began. I really just wanted to be a high school or college football coach. God clearly had other plans, and for that I am thankful.


3. What were you involved in when you were on campus?

Football, intramurals, SPUD


4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

Psychology. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with the degree until I did an internship working 1:1 with at-risk youth (see above).


5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

Writing/communication skills, public speaking, critical thinking, viewing everything through a lens of equity and justice.


6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

Take it all in. The days can be long, but the years go fast. Also, find a mentor and don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance and direction, including possible spiritual direction. As you seek to discover more about your interests and career path, think with a vocation mindset, pray, and discern what God is calling you to. The spiritual writer Frederick Buechner stated, “Vocation is when your deep gladness meets with the deep needs of the world.” Be in search of that deep gladness and have the competence to see and the courage to act on the deep needs of the world and you will have found your vocation.

Meet Alum David Cotrone ’13, Director of Public Relations and Communications

Name: David Cotrone

Class Year: 2013

Title: Director of Public Relations and Communications

Organization Name: PRX

1. In one sentence, what does your job entail?

PR and communications is wide-ranging, but in a nutshell: I help to identify and achieve publicity opportunities through a mix of media relations and strategic communications. PRX is a nonprofit public media company specializing in podcasting and radio. The organization won the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for audio, and Fast Company named it one of the top 10 most innovative media companies. PRX works in partnership with an incredible array of content creators: The Moth, the Smithsonian, Radiotopia, Futuro Media, Religion of Sports, GBH in Boston, and many more.

2. What planned and unplanned events connected you to your industry and your first employer after Holy Cross? How did you learn/decide it was a good fit for you?  

I went to grad school in New York right after Holy Cross, in a creative field, thanks in part to a Beinecke Scholarship. Because I gained communication skills through liberal arts, I was a fit for an internship at a public relations firm in the city and working my way up from there. This allowed me to attend grad school and to work at the same time. Eventually, I would combine all my skills into the career I have now, in public media. At its best, public media reaches audiences through trust and human-centered stories. It’s also a rich service.

3. What were you involved in when you were on campus?

Alternate College Theater. I wasn’t any good at acting or anything like that, but I enjoyed the social aspect of it.

4. What was your major and how did it affect your career decisions?

My major was English with a focus in creative writing. My goal wasn’t to become a professional writer, but to work in a creative field or to bring creativity with me. As I now work in a field that values the power of narrative––both personal storytelling, stories rooted in journalism, and documentary––I haven’t strayed too far from that original goal.

5. What are one or two skills that you developed at Holy Cross that you use in your work?

Leveraging critical thinking and curiosity.

6. What advice do you have for students on campus today?

Take classes in as many different subjects as possible, including outside your comfort zone. Second: find mentors. Third: take full advantage of Kimball Dining Hall while you can. At the end of the day, there is perhaps no greater joy than being there when lunch turns over to dinner.